definitionProgressive form of cutaneous tuberculosis occurring in a person with a moderate or high degree of immunity. The pathogen may reach the skin by exogenous inoculation, via the blood or lymph from a tuberculous internal organ, or by direct extension from underlying infected glands or joints. The characteristic lesion is a reddish-brown plaque, composed of nodules which show an ‘apple-jelly’ colour when pressed with a glass spatula (diascopy). The disease often affects the face leading to disfigurement due to the destructive skin lesions. It is twice as common in women as in men. | synonymsLupus Vulgaris, Tuberculosis Cutis Luposa |
UMLSLupus, Lupus - tuberculous, Lupus erythematosus, Lupus erythematosus NOS, Lupus exedens, Lupus exedens, tuberculosis, Lupus Vulgaris, Lupus, erythematosus, LV - Lupus vulgaris, Tuberculosis cutis luposa, Tuberculosis luposa cutis, Tuberculosis lupus exedens |