definitionAn acute, short-lived, viral disease of infants and young children characterized by a high fever at onset that drops to normal after 3-4 days and the concomitant appearance of a macular or maculopapular rash that appears first on the trunk and then spreads to other areas. It is the sixth of the classical exanthematous diseases and is caused by HHV-6 (HERPESVIRUS 6, HUMAN). The convulsions previously thought to be the result of the associated fever of roseola infantum are proably caused by direct infection of the meninges with the HHV6. | synonymsExanthema Subitum, Roseola Infantum, Sixth Disease, Three-Day-Fever Exanthem |
UMLSDisease, sixth, EXANTHEM SUBITUM, Exanthem, subitum, Exanthema Subitum, Exanthema, subitum, Pseudorubella, Roseola, Roseola Infantum, Roseola, infantum, Sixth Disease, Three day fever |
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