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Atopic Eczema, Dermatosis Palmoplantaris Juvenilis

Click to zoomlocalisation: tip of the finger, diagnosis: Atopic Eczema, Dermatosis Palmoplantaris Juvenilis
copyright 1996 - 2022 DermIS

image description

diagnosislocalisationlesionsadditional descriptions
Atopic Eczematip of the fingerrhagade
Atopic Eczematip of the fingerdesquamation
Atopic Eczematip of the fingerhyperkeratosis
Dermatosis Palmoplantaris Juvenilistip of the fingerrhagade
Dermatosis Palmoplantaris Juvenilistip of the fingerdesquamation
Dermatosis Palmoplantaris Juvenilistip of the fingerhyperkeratosis

patient information

  • patient sex: female
  • patient age: 56
  • Decent of patient: european