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by localisation


Angulus Infectiosus, Atopic Eczema

Click to zoomlocalisation: angle of the mouth, peri-oral, chin, cheek, diagnosis: Angulus Infectiosus, Atopic Eczema
copyright 1996 - 2022 DermIS

image description

diagnosislocalisationlesionsadditional descriptions
Angulus Infectiosusangle of the mouthrhagade
Angulus Infectiosusangle of the mouthcrust
Angulus Infectiosusangle of the mouthmaceration
Angulus Infectiosusperi-oralcrust
Angulus Infectiosusperi-oralerythemamaceration
Angulus Infectiosuschincrust
Angulus Infectiosuschinerythemamaceration
Angulus Infectiosuscheekcrust
Angulus Infectiosuscheekerythemamaceration
Atopic Eczemaangle of the mouthrhagade
Atopic Eczemaangle of the mouthcrust
Atopic Eczemaangle of the mouthmaceration
Atopic Eczemaperi-oralcrust
Atopic Eczemaperi-oralerythemamaceration
Atopic Eczemachincrust
Atopic Eczemachinerythemamaceration
Atopic Eczemacheekcrust
Atopic Eczemacheekerythemamaceration

patient information

  • patient sex: male
  • Decent of patient: european