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by localisation

Angulus Infectiosus, Herpes Simplex Labialis

Click to zoomlocalisation: angle of the mouth, lower lip, tongue, diagnosis: Angulus Infectiosus, Herpes Simplex Labialis
copyright 1996 - 2022 DermIS

image description

diagnosislocalisationlesionsadditional descriptions
Herpes Simplex Labialisangle of the mouth
Herpes Simplex Labialisangle of the mouthrhagade
Herpes Simplex Labialislower lipvesicle
Herpes Simplex Labialistongue
Angulus Infectiosusangle of the mouth
Angulus Infectiosusangle of the mouthrhagade
Angulus Infectiosuslower lipvesicle
Angulus Infectiosustongue

patient information

  • Decent of patient: european